Don't be fooled by some pet shops

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Don't be fooled by some pet shops

Post by Wai »

I'm not too sure about the pet shops in other countries, but some of the ones in Australia are horrible, especially to hermit crabs. If you have a help question, don't just rely on one of the employees there. They probably haven't done any in-depth research at all, and all they've been told are the plain basics. Don't expect much from them. Ask the forums or experts in the web. Just remember, most pet shop owners are there to sell hermit crabs. No research, no care whatsoever.

I've noticed that many inexperienced hermit crab owners in Australia are strongly influenced by pet shops. They'll listen to every word given by the pet shop owner, then returning home with a tiny kritter keeper with woodshavings, deep bowls and painted shells. If you were to put in all three bowls in that container, the crabs wouldn't be able to move at all.

And talk about the care sheet in Mebourne by Happy Hermits. DISGRACEFUL! It only has a few sentences on moulting, didn't mention that humidity was important, and they said ALL hermit crabs love to eat their hermit crab food. Well, I've tried it and my crabs were only interesting in getting out of the dish as fast as they could. Not that they weren't hungry, I changed the food to another brand and my crabs began eating like mad.

So please. don't be influenced. I know the members of this forum aren't, because we are the ones who actually research and care about hermit crabs. Unfortunately, there are many crabbers out there who don't bother researching at all, and many innocent lives are lost in a few months. If you do see people adopting crabs, tell them to research and join a few hermit crab forums like this one.
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petshop advice is the pits

Post by Jedi_Sena »

I second that motion. My sister believed that the petstore clerk was second only to Jesus Christ in authority and believed every ridiculous thing he said as if it was Gospel. Well, after every crab she ever got (one after another) died, she finally gave up on crabbing altogether. I wish that she would have listened when I passed on advice from the forums because my crabs have done rather well with the help of my fellow on-line crabbers.
Once I asked a clerk what species of crab a certain one was and he responded, "Hermit crabs are all one species they just come in different colors." I said, "Nevermind, you obviously can't help me." I was just a raw beginner then, but even I knew that these carmel colored crabs w/ candy corn eyes didn't look like the others with a purple claw. Duh. At the checkout I was never asked if I needed food, had a container for them or if I knew how to care for them and when I asked how long they were guaranteed for they said 48 hours to which I said, "Well, if I don't feed or water them or take them out of this brown paper bag, I guess that is how long they could live." For a pet that could live 30 years, I think 48 hours is a pitiful return policy. I haven't been back to that store since. The other petstores aren't much better, but one PetSmart has shown remarkable improvement in tank conditions since I filed a complaint, so I buy from them and get advice from the forum members.
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Post by cnstarz »

This cannot be overstressed. Never, ever listen to what the pet stores say. They could not be more clueless. This is true here in America as it is anywhere else. The internet is the place for correct information so surf it up. Happy crabbing everyone. :D May all your crabs live long and prosper.
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Post by Ali »

No kidding.....I went to a PetSmart here in AZ. and the little two pages of info they gave me on care did NOT include molting. After our first crab molted, we were clueless. I talked to the PetSmart employee and he told me not to worry about it, just throw away the exoskeleton the crab would be fine......after that I went to researching on the internet and found some awesome sites (this one included). I'm learning too, not to trust the petstore employees. Oh, there was also no info on bathing....
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Re: Do not be fooled by some pet shops

Post by Wai »

It's been over three years since I made this thread. Happy Hermits has added information on moulting, but it's still very brief. It does not mention that deep substrate is essential, if the hermit crab wants to bury itself prior to moulting. Still no good. :(
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Re: Do not be influenced by pet shops

Post by Jaci »

well, the substrate needs to be deep enough to cover your largest crab plus an additional 2 inches at least.
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Re: Do not be influenced by pet shops

Post by Grammarcia »

The general rule of thumb is that the substrate should be twice as deep as your largest crab.

For tanks that have different size crabs, people often slope the substrate. For example, mine goes from four inches on one side to six inches on the other. My largest crab is a little less than 2 inches, but I tend to over-substrate. I guess I go by the policy that you can have too little substrate, but never too much substrate!
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Re: Don't be fooled by some pet shops

Post by HermieLove19 »

Ive found that many people don't know crabs need to moult.

I work at a pet store and a man came in and bought a bag of gravel. He said it was for hermit crabs and right away i said i can't let you buy this they need sand. I had a 20 minute conversation with him about the poor little crab being kept in a critter keeper with gravel and tons of water. He said it would just die soon anyway and walked out with the gravel. i was so upset.

what upset me more is the little kids Teacher told him it should be in gravel and water because she keeps them in the classroom. If youre using hermies as a teaching tool you should know all about them. you cant teach children about moulting, exoskeletons, and crustaceans without knowing how they live! It was so sad.

whats even worse is people do the exact same things with dogs and cats. they give puppies rawhide and wonder why they needed to rush them to the emergency room. some people really need to read up on the animal they buy/adopt before they take on the responsibility.

Im so glad i can come here and tell you all about this and you understand! i love this site!
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Re: Don't be fooled by some pet shops

Post by iluvhermies »

It is great that you can inform them . Unfortunately that is all you can do. Also it is sad that some people are just butt heads. They should know how to take care of the animla they are gonna bbuy or adopt before doing so.
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Re: Don't be fooled by some pet shops

Post by suprahermit »

8) This was my first thread I read yesturday . I haven't been back since 2005 when I lost my first hermit crabs i was too young to care for them then so ive spent the past 2 or so years trying to learn everything about how to care for them etc.. im still learning.

But i was in the mood to buy some more and im adding pictures soon. but id like to tell you about my experiance yesturday when i bought mine.

i was offered saw shavings.

i was told they don't need heating because if I had bought the saw shavings then they would find warmth in that.

that a desk lamp would provide heating is place shining through the glass.

oh but i really got amped up when she said she tells her customers that once a week give them a salt bath by swishing them around abit and then putting them back into there tank.

she had painted shells in the tank to so them to move into.

All i wanted to do is get the 4 i had chosen out of there quick smart. if i could afford them all i would have just to save them.

i think pet shop owners have to go to university like doctor's do before they can sell or atleast manage a pet store. she has only been open a year but still.. she should know what she is on about.
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