Very lethargic and streaking

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Very lethargic and streaking

Post by emmac350 »

Okay, my crab Z, who is in iso because he was dug under and my other crabs dug in RIIIIIGHT next to him - I saw him out later that evening, so I knew he was still not molting - is streaking. Problem is, he's SOOOO lethargic. He isn't moving hardly at all. He's also (strangely enough) rather gray despite my putting dry baby shrimp, carrots, fresh fruit, egg, fresh veggies, calci sand, and crushed sand dollar that I got at the beach in the iso. I tried the hand-feeding with honey thing but all I managed to do (as he wasn't cooperating at all) is get it on his legs, pinchers, and I think a bit on his eye. *| I misted him a little and all over the walls of the iso with water, and put his old shell and a new shell that's the closest in size I'll have until my ebay order gets here right next to him, both rinsed in salt water and still having the salt water in them. The iso is around 73 degrees and the humidity has always been within the 70-80 degree range.

He's missing a leg (dropped within the first few days in my normal tank) on his left side, and he already was missing a leg tip on that side, so he has had a rough time, but I thought we were on the upswing. I checked him once a day, in the evening, to ensure the food and water levels were fine and check humidity. The iso has a grapevine stump on one side, food and fresh and salt water bowls, a natural sponge, and playsand about 5 inches deep (he's a medium-ish crab - about a golfball size with shell). I use Brita filtered water for everything that could possibly touch those crabs. Last night I had just given him a nice little mixture of chopped fresh fruit (granny smith apple, gala apple, peach, banana) to supplement the baby shrimp and eggplant/yellow squash/carrot mixture.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Very lethargic and streaking

Post by Wai »

Have you tried coaxing him into a shell? Clean out his old shell in case there's anything irritating his abdomen in it. Do you have any oak leaves? Try handfeeding some of those to him; it may help him poop out any germs or nasties in his body.
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Re: Very lethargic and streaking

Post by emmac350 »

He passed away while I was out running the one errand I had to run today. :( I tried coaxing him back in, but he could barely move his legs or antennae at all. I think he dropped the shell because he couldn't move with it on, as I did try to get him back into his old one and he wouldn't uncurl his abdomen at all - he was coiled too tightly for that.
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Re: Very lethargic and streaking

Post by krabby_katie »

So sorry to hear that. :(
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Re: Very lethargic and streaking

Post by Wai »

I really hate saying this, but usually when a hermit crab ends up in a fate like Z, they're very unlikely to survive. :'(
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