crab attack

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crab attack

Post by jenblueeyes »

I have had 2 happy crabs for several months now. Actually 1 of them was walking around naked a month or two ago but quickly went back into his shell after I rinsed it out. Everything was great until yesterday. We went to the pet store and bought a third crab. He seemed a little large in the store but was shocked on the way home when he came out of his shell.
He was HUGE! He was a lot larger than my other 2 little guys but thought I would go ahead and see what happened. This morning I felt bad as one of my smaller crabs legs was laying in the sand. I don't know if the new BIG BOY tore off his leg or if he was stressed and it fell off. Is this possible?
I removed the large crab and brought him back to the pet store and exchanged him for a new one that is much smaller. They seem like one happy family now and the crab missing his leg seems to be doing fine and is active. Will he be o.k. without one leg? Do crabs grow new legs?
Thanks for any advice!
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Post by Wai »

Aww... but you didn't have to return him back to the pet store... that will probably stress the big guy out even more. It's normal for a crab to act aggressively to others on the first few days at his new home. Next time, make sure you isolate any new crabs for about a week before you put them in the big tank with all the others :).

The big guy may have been guilty, but you should have isolated him first so calm him down.

Hermit crabs can regenerate any lost limbs. It's really when a crab loses two or more limbs that can become a problem, but one is okay. Make sure you take good care of him now :).

Good luck! :D
Crabby Kortney
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Post by Crabby Kortney »

Pet stores don't take very good care of the crabs. If any other crabs give you a problem you can put them up for adoption. He'll or she'll get a much better home then any store!

Cartman ;)
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