Strange Behavior....

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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Strange Behavior....

Post by AZN_crabber »

I noticed soon after purchasing my first two new crabs that one would constantly bury itself in the soil that I have in the tank. The other would not engage in this behavior, which made me wonder if it was abnormal since both were not doing it. I would often un-bury it once a week or so for fear that it wouldn't get enough water or food.
Yesterday I pulled him out and noticed he was very very pale colored and refused to come out of his shell. Also, the other crab has now taken to burying itself as well.
I think the first is molting, and now the second is about it probably???
But I've disturbed them. Are they going to die? Is it normal to molt underground? I also found a big-claw and a leg near the 1st molting crab. It looks just like his, and as if it fell off but it didn't... are exo-skeletal shells supposed to look this thick/real??

Sorry for so many questions but I am SO worried and I talk alot. Thanks for reading and can you please help me????
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Post by coopsmom »

My crabs are moulting maniacs, they have all moulted more than once. I have only had one surface moult and that was when I first got hermies last summer. All other moults have been underground. I always try to keep an eye on them from under my tank. Luckily I have a 20 gallon that has a glass bottom so I can check them out from underneath. I did one time disturb a moult because I was cleaning out the tank and didnt realize one was moulting as she had just moulted about 2 monts before. I put her exo back in with her and created a isolation container inside the big tank. She ate all her exo and then she started to attempt to get out of the iso, so I put her back with everyone else and she has done fine. I would leave them alone as much as possible if you think they are moulting but I am no expert. I am sure that some of the others who have been doing this longer will chime in and give you some great advice. Good luck.
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Post by iluvhermies »

Yes they do molt underground. I have also dug up a molter and they were fine however it is best not to dig them up. They also bury if they get to hot or to cold. They sometimes bury for fun too. Usually if they stay under more than a few days then they are molting. I have 57 hermies now. They like to play too. I have several who dig and surface all the time over and over. Hey don't worry about all the questions thats what we are all here for to help each other.
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Post by AZN_crabber »

WOW! that helped a LOT! Thanks!!! =) I only have two... lol.
But yeah, that makes sense then. I feel a lot better knowing they do it underground, and that if they don't surface then that's probably why.

They eat their exo? What about this large claw and little leg I found? They look pretty solid and un-eatable. Perhaps my other one died underground? Or maybe.... maybe.... I DON"T KNOW!! :'( Now the appendages are worrying me! =O

I just picked him up and finally held him! He didn't shy away (atleast not too much lol) and I noticed his little leggies felt VERY pokey and sharp... they never felt that way before. Could that also be an indicator that he has molted?
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Post by iluvhermies »

Did he surface? When they have had a successful molt they have tiny little black pointy tips on the ends. They do eat their exo its helps the new shell to thicken and harden. You can also place egg shells in there, after you have cleaned them. Glad that helped.
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Post by Jaci »

i had 2 that buried themselves at the same time and i dug both of them up bc i had no idea what they were doing (it was before i found this forum), one survived, but the other died. she had molted bc she had black tips, but she didn't make it. becareful digging up molters simply bc they are very stressed while they're molting and digging them up stresses them out even more and they can pass away. only dig up a molter if there is a fishy smell, which is an indication of a crabby who didn't make it. before doing that, make sure that there is no moldy food in the tank that needs to be taken out, and replace the salt water, if the smell doesn't go away after doing this, then one of your crabbies have passed away. i'm glad to hear that your hermie made it! that's awesome! congrats on your first molt! i've noticed that when i buy hermies and they immediately go under when i bring them home, they feel comfortable in their environment and will live a long time. i had a couple who didn't go under immediately and i lost them.
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Re: Strange Behavior....

Post by a_ariana »

I also just bought 2 hermies and a week later one burried it self and the other one started messing with it with in the first hour and it went back into its shell, if it was going to molt i think it may have stopped. idk i isolated them just incase but still no signs of molting should i just leave it alone and see if it surface molts
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Re: Strange Behavior....

Post by Wai »

Keep the two hermit crabs apart then, just in case they moult.
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Re: Strange Behavior....

Post by ladybug15057 »

Being new hermies they maybe displaying signs of PPS (post purchase stress) as well as their natural behavior... needing to fight for food, water, shells to survive. To help them adjust I would suggest to read this article and adjust the tank accordingly to help their survival rate. ... toryid=165

Shallow substrate so they cannot burrow, but a hut they can seek shelter and darkness in.
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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