Petco sucks!

Report on pet stores that are either doing a great or terrible job of looking after their hermit crabs on display.
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Petco sucks!

Post by jarteta97 »

Yesterday, I went to several stores so as to find terrarium decor and eventually buy another crab for my 40 gallon tank. Normally, I would go to Petsmart because it is closer to my house and I have been there many times, but I had a Petco giftcard, so I thought "Why not?" I entered the store and proceeded to the reptile/!amphibian section. Almost instantly, I recognized what appeared to be a hermit crab tank. Inside the tank, there was a thin layer of sand and what appeared to be a basking platform. What was inside the tank? A lined up display of disgusting, brightly painted shells for people to buy! There were even ones with what appeared to be 3D paint and animals on them! >[ I looked at the items around it, and I could only find about three packs with natural shells in them. Seeing this display, I thought, "Here are the shells, where are the crabs?" I go around the corner and find a medium size tank with hermit crabs. Every single one of them has a painted shell! Whats more is that when I eventually was able to handle the crabs, The employee helping me picked up a shell and a dead crab fell out!!!!! It was so sad! :( There was only about an inch of substrate, but other than that, the tank had two hideouts, salt and freshwater, and a food dish. I don't understand how this could happen. I refused to buy a crab, for I had read elsewhere on the internet (I cannot remember where) that you are not supposed to buy from stores that mistreat the crabs. I feel so bad and plan to never go to that petco again. (btw, it's the one in Knightdale, NC).
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Re: Petco sucks!

Post by Wai »

That is terrible indeed. I remember one pet store worker tried convincing me that the dead crab that I identified was 'just sleeping'. Yeah, they fall in such a deep sleep that they fall out of their shells too...? :S
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Re: Petco sucks!

Post by timb1508 »

They have care guides right by the tanks. They need to read them. It's so sad to see such cruelty take place.
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Re: Petco sucks!

Post by aussieJJDude »

I so sorry that you had to experience that! :(
It good that you didn't support the store by buying another crab, so you did the right thing.
I would write an email to the store manager telling them what you think of the store and how they could improve. Don't be afraid to lay it on thick and telling them that they can sell more products/make more money is a great way to get them to clean up there act! :)
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Re: Petco sucks!

Post by ladybug15057 »

Have you considered contacting their corporate office with the date, time, and location of the petco you mentioned? Did you attempt to calmly speak to the manager at the time?
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: Petco sucks!

Post by HermieGirLover »

The Petco that I usually go to does so good when it comes with their emit crabs. The tank is perfect. They only use like 3 painted shells and the rest are non-painted shells. They give out the right information and everything. I'm getting some baby ones there. Also they have this small section for hermit crabs. Love it there. No dead Hermit crabs. Perfect. :D :) 8) #D (!) ;)
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Re: Petco sucks!

Post by Hermieguy »

I know they kill their hermit crabs every month too! People need to stop on using hermit crabs for no reason! I statted stopping people so Farr I got two people to stop! Yyyyaaayy
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