2-3 days at a time

Questions about crabsitting and transporting hermit crabs.
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2-3 days at a time

Post by Jonesy »

Hi all
New to the forums, Daughter has been asking for some hermit crabs for pets. Problem is I have her every second weekend and I'm happy to look after them while she is not here, but my job involves me to be away from home from 2-3 days at a time. Will they be ok for 2-3 days by themself each time if i set it up right? or is it too long happening all the time.
for example
work week 1 weds - fri
work week 2 mon - weds
work week 3 sun - tues + thurs - fri
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Re: 2-3 days at a time

Post by AngelaTheCrab »

Unless you have deep water dishes, I'm not sure if that would work. Please say a little about your crabitat set up and I might be able to help you.
Former owner of 5 crabbies, now of 3 (cannibalism issues :( I know, my enclosure wasn't big enough. Please don't jump on me). Their names are Shelldon, Bubbles, and Angela. RIP Crush and Sandy.
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Zoea V
Zoea V
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Re: 2-3 days at a time

Post by aussieJJDude »

I think it should be fine, on the days you're not home just stick with foods thats dried. :) That way, they won't spoil as quickly.
246L/65G - 'Tidal Jungle' (Crabs) | 246L/65g - 'Backwater Pool' (Fish/Snails) | 96L/25G - ''Twisted Minds" (Fish/Snails/Shrimp) | 300L/90G Fancy Pond (Goldfish)

I've never had any problems with 'Impulse Buying'. They're just animals that I forgot I had planned to get.
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